Living the Connected Life: Soul Workers
We are meant to be connected. We are meant to live in community and not to live in isolation. We are not meant to be alone.
There are those of us that spend our day in the sometimes solitary pursuit of helping others: soul workers. We give attention as we instruct, we train, we guide, we counsel, we coach, set soul free and freer as we work with individuals all day. It is the solitary life of working in a dyad. The life of a personal trainer, a psychotherapist, a personal coach, a counselor....
We then go home to where we live alone, to our solitary space. If we do desperately we require we must have we need attention: the voice of another or the touch of another. We need connection. We must commune in some fashion, via social media if not in person. Though I must say I question the depth of connection that is possible in this conduit. We require ,if not desire affirmation: to know that another being recognizes and tells us that we are good (inherently) or good at something. And the knowledge that we are cared for. We need to know that we are loved.... possibly to hear the words, "You are loved."
For some there is a requirement , a need or a desire for balance. Some desire to be told what to do after a day of instructing others all day. They may desire another to do the talking or to take the lead. Some need another to listen after being the listener or sounding board all day, needing to know that they are being heard.
If the listener and listenee find each other perhaps there is bliss to be found.
Those who give all day, in particular those who give dyadically must connect our souls.... We must then pursue a passion when we return to our solitary space. What is required I believe is a passion that drives us and renews our spirit. It may be creating a piece of art, playing a musical instrument, dancing in pure abandon, running for the sake of the run. Whatever the passion is it is vital to solitary dweller.
We are meant to commune: to bee seen, to see, to be heard, to hear, to be felt, to touch and to be touched , to love and to be loved. We must find ways to connect with others. We must restore our very souls by participating in our passion. In order to live fully we must be more than existent in our home. To be fully alive we must pursue connection.
Filed Under: Uncategorized Tagged With: soul worker therapy therapist connect