Make a Change Book: a together activity for families with an autistic child.
A together activity for families with an autistic child. Of course we prepare for change when a child on the Spectrum is part of the equation, sort of goes without saying, right? In addition to explaining the upcoming change, then wash, rinse, repeat and explain again, always using simple and clear terms, here is an […]
Make a Change Book: a together activity for families with an autistic child.
Sunday Support: A Parent Support Blog Coping With Change: Children on the Spectrum
Sunday Support: A Parent Support Blog Coping with Change: Children on the Spectrum #ASD, #Autism Spectrum, #parenting #self-regulate #stayathome Changes in routine, changes in environment. In the midst of the COVID Pandemic many parents are adapting to changing routines at home including added school work, more hours to “entertain” or otherwise occupy children. Add a […]
Sunday Support: A Parent Support Blog Coping With Change: Children on the Spectrum
A Sense of Place
A Sense of Place An exercise in Connecting with Nature Part 1/ Inquiry Ask yourself: “how do you perceive yourself in the world? How has this changed during and in your current circumstances?” Assemble: 1) crayons, markers, pastels ,chalk 2) a surface on which to make marks: sketchbook, grocery bag, copy paper, back of an […]
A Sense of Place
Aspergers Spectrum (ASD)
Psychological care, family counseling, HIMAT (Health Insurance Mandated Autism Treatment), ABA provider, DSM 5,therapeutic care,social skills,….it’s a maze of words isn’t it? Thank you to Autism Society of Colorado for succinctly outlining what is and isn’t and how things work. Although I am not an ABA provider I do offer psychotherapy. I do not […]
Aspergers Spectrum (ASD)
Living the Connected Life: Soul Workers
We are meant to be connected. We are meant to live in community and not to live in isolation. We are not meant to be alone. There are those of us that spend our day in the sometimes solitary pursuit of helping others: soul workers…. Source: Living the Connected Life: Soul Workers Contact Me CLICK […]
Living the Connected Life: Soul Workers
on Twyla Tharp’s The Creative Habit…
Twila Tharp’s exercise titled “Your Creative Autobiography” in her book The Creative Habit is NOT FOR SISSIES! It could very well be a life changing event. It was for me. Contact Me CLICK HERE FOR MORE HELP from Connect Therapies
on Twyla Tharp’s The Creative Habit…
Living the Connected Life: Soul Workers
We are meant to be connected. We are meant to live in community and not to live in isolation. We are not meant to be alone. There are those of us that spend our day in the sometimes solitary pursuit of helping others: soul workers. We give attention as we instruct, we train, we guide, […]